Mixistlan de la Refroma Mixe now only uses its costume for festivals, the old dark green huipil is extinct. Bob Freund 7/14/2004 for more information contact: info@mexicantextiles.com

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The family compound of Rosa in Mixistlan. There was a lot of construction going on especially on public buildings.
A close up of Rosa with the hair braids and necklace.
A close up of the now extinct huipil. There are still a few in the handicrafts market in Oaxaca. Some of my friends there were surprised to see this costume the blue dress in the pictures.
Gisela Dohemi Saustegui Marquez a friend and handicraft vendor in Oaxaca, gave me this written description of the process to die the extinct huipil with a tree bark. She got it from man that used to sell her the huipil.
The new town hall, there were a great number of new buildings. The town sectretaty told me that many men leave to go to work in the US . The economy is agricultural with corn, beans and squash the principal crops.
The town has less than 1500 residents. Mixe is the main language and I suspect everyone speaks it in the town.