Mixistlan de la Refroma Mixe now only uses its costume for festivals, the old dark green huipil is extinct. Bob Freund 7/14/2004 for more information contact: info@mexicantextiles.com

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Mixistlan de la Reforma is a hour and a half off the new road between Mitla and Totontepec Mixe. The rough dirt road winds down to the town past the town of Santa Maria Mixistlan. Across the canyon are the Zapotec towns of the Sierra Zapotec.

A Panoramic view from the town looking at the surrounding mountain. When I went to the authorities to report my presence in the town they were astounded and told me I was the first American in memory to come to the town.
Rosa Castelano Rentoria agreed to let me take her picture. In some ways I was surprised since the huipil I have in my collection is back strap woven and a dark green.
The beads and the hair braid make this costume a stand out even thought it is extinct for daily use.
The huipil from my collection, it has some black stripes on a deep green natural dyed cotton. There was no evidence in the village of this costume although some people remembered it.
This view was taken when I entered the town.