Larrainzar, Chiapas a Tzotzil village.
Web gallery by Bob Freund
with particiaption of Karen Elwell and Tom Aleto, Narratives by Karen Elwell 9/2005
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The traditional man’s costume consists of a hand-woven white cotton shirt with red sleeves, and short, white cotton pants. A black poncho is worn and tied with a hand-woven red sash with thin blue stripes, which has a strip of red brocade at each end.

Few tourists show up in San Andres, which is about an hour drive from San Cristobal. Visitors are viewed with a mixture of curiosity and suspicion. The only outright hostility we faced came from a traditionally dressed man who whispered, "Why dont I just kill you?" as we were parking our car. We made several visits to San Andres, and eventually people got used to seeing us in town.

There are several small shops along the main road into town where traditional clothing and textiles are sold. These are run by Tzotzil women no non-Indians are allowed to live in town. One can buy local clothing, net bags, palm hats, clothing from Aldama.