Cucuchuchu, Michoacan is a Purepecha town on the edge of Lake Patzcuaro, traditional dress; especially the delantal or cross stitched embroidered apron, embroidered blouses and the embroidered slip are still widely in use. Bob Freund 7/7/2005 for more information contact:

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The small town of Cucuchuchu is located on the lake shore near Ihuatzio in the district of Tzintzuntzan. Pictured here are Rosa Hipilito Pragua and Rosa Santiago Hipilito; they operate a small store near the church. After a quick bargaining session they agreed to participate in the project. They immediately went and changed into these wonderful traditional (traje tipico) costumes., The day-to-day delantal is simpler and the embroidered blouse is worn like an undershirt, under an overblouse. The embroidered delantals are stunning. The costume in towns around the lake is very similar and there is a lot of buying and selling of textiles among the people of the region. The mother is wearing the traditional blue and black rebozo or shawl. Throughout my travels in the region the floral patterns dominate the embroidered designs but traditional patterns are encountered from time to time.