The town of Azoyu is divided between Mixtec and Tlapaneco according to the museum curator. One of 15 women who still wear traditional dress wears this style of huipil. There is a similarity to the huipil of Yoloxochitl
Bob Freund 2/11/2005 For more information contact:

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Azoyu is located 175 kilometers from west of Acapulco off the coast road. The town was neat and in an advanced stage of development. The town is divided between the descendants of Tlapaneco and Mixtec peoples. There is a small museum in the town were many aspects of the local culture are on display. In the market I noticed a few women wearing huipils, these are similar to the huipils worn in Yoloxochitl . I was not able to verify the actual origins of these huipils but because of the similarity with the Mixtec huipil of Yoloxochitl and because of the side of town the pictures were taken in, to declare them Mixtec. The huipil was commercial white cotton with two strands of embroidery along the sides the skirt is delicate cotton print of commercial material.

The new paved road to the village was in good condition the terrain was rolling hills, The town had clearly made the transition from indigenous to meztiso.

An indigenous book called the Codice of Azoyu is of great historical importance, produced in Guerrero during the 16th century, this codex is a pictorial history of the Tlapanec Kingdom of Tlachinollan during the period 1300-1565, accompanied by explanatory Nahuatl texts.

The town’s festivals are May 8 and Sept. 29, Day of San Miguel Arcangel, which includes many traditional dances.