Otopamean Family

Chichimeca Jonaz, Mazahua, Otomi, Pame, Ocuilteco, Matlatzinca

The Otopame family includes various languages. Chichimeca Jonaz is spoken in the state of Guanajuato. Mazahua is spoken in Michoacan. Otomi includes six languages that are spoken in the states of Puebla, Veracruz, Queretaro, Hidalgo, and Tlaxcala. Pame is spoken in the state of San Luis Potosi, while Matlatzinca and Ocuilteco are spoken in the state of Mexico.

Totomanguean stock

The following language families belong to the Otomanguean stock:

Amuzgoan family [Amuzgo]

Chinantecan family [Chinantec]

Mixtecan family [Cuicatec, Mixtec and Triqui]

Otopamean family[Chichimeca Jonaz, Matlatzinca, Mazahua, Ocuilteco, Otomí and Pame]

Popolocan family [Chocholtec (Ngigua), Ixcatec, Mazatec and Popoloca]

Tlapanecan family [Me'phaa (Tlapanec)]

Zapotecan family [Chatino and Zapotec]

The genetic relationship of many of the languages which are today known as Otomanguean languages has been long recognized, beginning perhaps most explicitly with the proposals of Orozco y Berra in 1864. The inclusion of the families that are now considered to comprise this stock has come slowly and with considerable research, proposals, and refinements over the years. Tlapanec is the most recent addition, having been tentatively linked with Hokan languages earlier. The proposal to link Huave with this stock has not been widely recognized. For a complete list of the languages commonly classified as Otomanguean, see the Ethnologue.

Regardless of the details of family subgroupings, the Otomanguean stock, which includes languages from as far north as the states of Hidalgo and Querétaro (Otomi) and as far south as Nicaragua (Mangue, now extinct), is a group of languages whose potential for the study of language change over the centuries rivals that of Indo-European languages

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All rights reserved. May be reproduced for nonprofit use so long as it is not modified in any way. http://www.sil.org/mexico/22i-Stocks.htm 4-13-2005.