The Mixe maintain a deep relationship with their traditional spirits. The ultimate leader of the Mixe is Condoy; he is born from an egg and lives on the sacred mountain “cerro Del Zempoaltepetl"

The Mixe relate that some time in the past the marriage of the spirits of the mountain fell out and each went to live on different mountains. In order to reconcile these spirits, once a year the Mixe of Tamazulapan Mixe go to the mountain where the female spirit lives. The women offer prayers and gifts to her. The participants have a collective meal where everyone eats out of the same kitchen and all the women help prepare.

Afterwards, there is a dance in which the men bring offerings to the women in an effort to reconcile the male and female spirits. The offerings contain a flowers, herbs and the staff of mando ( power) which is turned over to the women. In the video you can a stripped stick that is it.

I feel very fortunate to have been a witness to this ceremony. It lasts all day, but the video is only 1 minute long. The video does however give a good representation of the dance. It is in Window Media Player Format.

Gilberto Martinez speaking some Mixe words 32 kpbs ( dial Up)

Gliberto Martinez speaking Mixe words
150 cable / borad band

Dial Up 48kps
Cable/DSl 150kbs